We offer full-service vacation rental property management. Sit back and relax - we will handle everything.

We are partners with you, and we don’t make money if your property doesn’t perform. It is in our best interest to understand your goals and will custom-tailor the best approach to fit your specific needs. 

Most importantly, we are local, and honest and will treat your investment as if it was our own.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A comprehensive company like Freedom Point Rental Property Management handles all the hurdles and hassles of running a successful vacation rental. While some companies may offer a low management fee, oftentimes this does not include services such as arranging and managing housekeeping, messaging guests, maintenance or repairs, etc. This leaves the homeowner responsible for these essential management duties. We at FPPM only offer full-service property management so you can do nothing else except collect cash flow every month.

Some property managers assign a single price with a “set it and forget it” mentality. At FPPM, our dynamic pricing system adjusts daily to account for seasonality, local events, and other comps nearby. This equates to more bookings and cash flow in your pocket.

No. We want you to be satisfied with how we run your property without any strings attached. You can cancel your agreement at any time, with 60 days’ notice. We’ll just need to honor any reservations that are already booked at your home for that 60-day window.

Your vacation home is yours. You’re welcome to reserve your home for personal stays whenever you’d like, provided (of course!) that you honor any guest reservations that are already on your calendar. To block out your travel dates, simply reserve them in your online owner portal.

As a full-service property management company, FPPM offers a competitive fixed percentage of the total booking price. Contact us to find out our management fee and exactly what is included in the fees.

service property management